Mom's chocolate chip cookies
Careful who you make these for, you may get married
Warm, soft, and gooey. With a glass of milk, there are few things better in this life. When we didn't know where our kids were, we would just make these cookies. By the time they were in the oven for 3 minutes, everyone was home, in the kitchen, waiting for them to be done. We have so many great memories of everyone gathered in the kitchen, laughing, eating cookies fresh out of the oven. When I was in college, a girl in a nearby apartment made me a plate of these cookies with a note wishing me good luck on an upcoming test. She's been making these cookies with me ever since.
Warm, soft, and gooey. With a glass of milk, there are few things better in this life. When we didn't know where our kids were, we would just make these cookies. By the time they were in the oven for 3 minutes, everyone was home, in the kitchen, waiting for them to be done. We have so many great memories of everyone gathered in the kitchen, laughing, eating cookies fresh out of the oven. When I was in college, a girl in a nearby apartment made me a plate of these cookies with a note wishing me good luck on an upcoming test. She's been making these cookies with me ever since.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees |
Go get a Bosch
When I was a kid my mom had one of these beasts that sat on the counter top. She would make all kinds of stuff with it. As far as I know, she had the same mixer for 50 years. Few marriages last that long, let alone kitchen appliances. I mean, how many toasters have you had in your life, thirty? When Sara and I got married, we were too poor to buy a Bosch, so we had to make do. When we moved to Japan, we could finally afford to buy one and it made all the difference. So, when you get married, register for one of these monsters so one of your family's rich friends can buy you one. Just make sure there's a prenup that spells out who gets it if things don't work out. |
A recipe for happiness
In 2 Nephi 5:27 it notes: And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness. What a curious phrase! Is there a manner by which we can live our lives that will help us to be happy? Turns out that Nephi left us a recipe, and if we follow it, we really can live in a way that will bring us more peace, joy, and happiness.
Preheat home with fervent prayer |
Note: For further help with this recipe, see Marvin K Jensen's talk: Living After the Manner of Happiness. Or talk with a missionary from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They can help you with the recipe as well.